Fire Prevention Information

Sandoval County

CODE RED This is very important! During this extremely high fire season, make sure that the Sandoval County Fire Department can contact you at home, at work or on vacation. Fill out the CODE RED Form. Go to the Sandoval Co. web site and scroll down until you see CODE RED. Click and fill in your contact information ( physical address, email, landline, and or cell phone number.)

Red Flags Signal Severe Wildfire Danger in Bernalillo County Click here 

Article on Firescaping with plants Click Here

Comprehensive Evacuation list Click Here

Emergency Evacuation Short Checklist Click Here

A Beginners Guide to Forest Thinning Click Here

For additional helpful links Click Here


LMVFD hopes to have a tree trimmings chipping program to help with fuel reduction in our community again this year. Last year the event was cancelled due to severe fire conditions. To make an appointment with the fire department for this program, Call Marilyn Malinson at 505-281-7279.

Ciudad Water and Soil has a Practice Plan for tree thinning. This is a cost sharing program for residents who opt for this program. To learn more about this program, contact Jennifer Moss by phone 505-761-4986
or email at She will send an assessor to your property and then forward the plan for thinning to the contractor whom you choose.

For more information on tree thinning projects, contact SPCE resident, John Helmich @ 505-228-6802