Pre - Incident

Create People Go Bag – Keep current Food and water for 72 hours Clothing Toiletries, medications, toilet paper Important papers and valuables

First Aid Kit
Radio and batteries
2 Flashlights and batteries
Cell phone charger for car and wall Phone lists both in NM and outside NM Spare house and car keys
Cotton blanket
Duct Tape
Red Cross shelter is the meeting place

Create Animal Go Bag – Keep current Animal crates for transport
Food and water for 72 hours
Medications- Extra leash and collar Favorite blanket

Create Fire Box Staple gun
Hammer and nails Reflective window covering White sheet

Create Neighborhood Emergency Plan Phone Tree Neighbor to neighbor evacuation plan for self and animals

Vehicles – during fire season Always have tank no less than half full Have basic tools, shovel, jumper cables. Park car facing garage exit

Wildfire in the Area – Be Prepared: doing this before evacuation creates less stress

Call 911

Contact family members and follow your plan Hook keys onto your pants
Locate your pets and have nearby
Prepare farm animals for transport

Hook up trailer
Close all doors, windows, fireplace flue, swamp-cooler and air conditioners off
Cover sliding doors with fire resistant window coverings
Move furniture away from windows
Remove lawn furniture flammable material from deck away and from around the house Turn off gas to house and move BBQ propane unit away from structure
Have tools and sprinkler/hose ready to go Connect garden hose and fill buckets around the house
Place ladder outside for roof access
Wet down house, roof ,and yard especially when you see live embers


The Sheriff’s Department will call for an evacuation. BE READY TO LEAVE.IF HE SAYS LEAVE, GO! Turn on TV and Radio for specific instructions
Follow direction of Sheriff’s Dept. Expect heavy smoke

Know your way out of the subdivision. Have at least two exit points from your neighborhood
Crate and pack animals

Call your phone lists if you have time
Leave white sheet on door when you leave notifying firefighters that you have evacuated the area

Gather evacuation checklist and place one list in the car, make sure your car windows are closed, check gas, Pack GO BAG in vehicle


Stay Calm/ Drive slowly and carefully
Make sure to close vehicle vents and windows. Do not use air conditioners
Register at Red Cross shelter


Phones might be down. Cell service and texting might work
Electricity might be down
Pumps for water might not work

Arrange to call the contact person back at a specific time for check-in
Each family member should have a copy of telephone numbers and evacuation plan Have 2 evacuation routes out of your neighborhood

If you become trapped in your subdivision

Park your vehicle in an area clear of vegetation - Know your community
Call 911 and give location, # of people, cell phone #
Practice evacuation plan with family and pets

Ensure every family member knows they should contact “out of area” contact person to say how and where they are and what their plans are